Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence...

August 28, 2023 00:28:07
Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence...
Unplugged Freedom
Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence...

Aug 28 2023 | 00:28:07


Show Notes

Welcome to this exciting episode of our podcast, where we delve into the ever-evolving world of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Get ready to explore how AI is not just a futuristic concept but a rapidly advancing technology that has practical applications in various facets of life and business.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Rise of AI: From chat GPT to Jasper, AI is revolutionizing industries with its potential to perform tasks such as writing, generating headlines, creating blog paragraphs, removing background noise, and editing images.
  2. AI Tools for Efficiency: Discover how AI tools like Jasper and Loom can assist in tasks like generating bullet points, creating PowerPoint presentations, and recording screen videos, thereby enhancing productivity and efficiency.
  3. Personalized Recommendations: Learn how AI can offer personalized recommendations based on your Myers Briggs personality traits and wealth dynamics profile test results.
  4. AI: A Game Changer: Grasp how AI, with platforms like Aragon AI, is poised to offer new opportunities for businesses and individuals alike.

Actionable Insights

  1. Stay Ahead of the Curve: With AI transforming the technological landscape, it's crucial to learn about it and its diverse applications.
  2. Boost Your Productivity: Explore AI tools and platforms that can enhance your productivity by automating various tasks, from content creation to image editing.
  3. Leverage AI for Customer Service: Consider using AI chat bots like Aragon AI to provide automated assistance and support to your customers or users.
  4. Stay Updated: Keep abreast with the latest advancements in AI technology to leverage its potential for business growth and personal development.

Deep Dive Topics

So, tune in to this enlightening episode to understand how AI is reshaping the world around us.

Whether you're a technophile or a novice in the realm of AI, this podcast episode is guaranteed to pique your interest and provide valuable insights into the world of artificial intelligence.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:03] Speaker A: Yo, what is happening, guys? Nathan, back once again with another episode of the Unplugged Freedom podcast. And in today's episode, we are going to be talking about artificial intelligence, AI. You've heard a lot about it in the past year. It's been just creating so much buzz, and there's a very, very good reason for that. [00:00:19] Speaker B: And today, we're going to talk about that. [00:00:20] Speaker A: And if you are not implementing AI into your life, you are missing out. I will tell you that right now. Right now. And if you are not part of it now, you will miss the boat. Absolutely, 100%. You will be behind in the technology because it is moving so fast. Either learn it yourself or find somebody who is an expert in it and who can teach you. And so, AI, where do we even start? There's so much within AI. So much so artificial intelligence. Chachi BT is one of the biggest ones that you have known of. And I can tell you one thing, that I use AI probably every single day. Whether it's in life, whether it is in my business, no matter what it is, I just put it to work. There's so many ideas. And so, for example, let's say if you're just using something like chat GBT, I personally use one that's called Jasper has a chat feature in it. And what you can do is you can just kind of talk to it. And the best way that you use artificial intelligence is to just talk to it like it is a human being, like it is your person, your assistant. And so there's all kinds of things. I used to use it just for writing. So I'd say, hey, can you create me a headline for this podcast? For example, maybe I would give it a headline. Maybe I would write a headline and say, this is the headline. This is the title of my podcast. How would you rate this podcast title? And then it would tell me it's on. All right, title. But what you could do is you could add some more emotional wording to make it more compelling. And so then it would give me some examples, and I'd be like, hey, that's great. Can you give me ten more examples just like that? And so then it would spit out ten more things. It's just absolutely incredible. There's so many aspects of AI that what I talk about is just like a drop in the bucket. And keep in mind, whatever I may talk about about AI is how I use it in my life. There are so many other avenues and aspects out there that you could possibly use it within your life. So, for example, if you are an excel spreadsheets person who uses excel spreadsheets all the time, well, guess what? There is an AI that you can actually use for Excel. I don't know what it is or. [00:02:56] Speaker B: What it does or how it works. [00:02:58] Speaker A: But I've seen it out there and I've seen it, people talk about it. And so because I don't use that stuff, I don't necessarily care to implement it within my life. There are ones where you'll have, let's say, business meetings online and then the AI can take that and it can say, hey, look, this business meeting was about this. These were the main points that we have to focus on. These are the things that we have to work on right away. And so it's absolutely incredible. So you can take a YouTube video or podcast and you can put it in and you can say, what are the main points out of this podcast? What are the main points out of this audiobook? And there's just so many aspects of it. So you can get it to remove background noise. So unfortunately, the app that I use that I'm using to record this podcast right now, it doesn't have an AI background noise remover. So you're going to hear that I'm actually in my vehicle driving along and you are actually going to be able to hear that. Unfortunately, because there is no tool for that. Normally what I would do, because it's a big process, like a lot of people don't understand how big of a process it is to record an app, let's say, to record a podcast, then take that podcast, I'll explain the whole big picture way that I used to do it. And it's just so much that it takes up too much time. So I would much rather just be able to push this button, record, create a title, maybe a little description, and then bam. And then put it off. Then it's up, it's out there. Then I can get closer to my 100 podcast episodes that I actually want to get to. Whereas if I do the nice process, so, for example, is I'd set up in my place, maybe I'd even set up a little bit, like some blankets to kind of make the sound a little bit better. I'd hook up my iPad to my microphone, and then from there what I would do is I would then record and maybe I might mess up a few times and then I'd have to actually record a couple more times. I would then take that. I would then export that over to Dropbox, and then I would take that and then download it onto my computer. And then I would upload that into Adobe software of Adobe voice enhance is what I would put it in. And then from there, where would I put it? I would then export that audio, and then I would re upload it up into another software called kapwing. And then from kapwing I would then edit it and then export that. And maybe I run into a couple of exporting issues. So then I have to redo it again. And then I would have to export it and then upload it to my podcast, not my podcast, to my, what's it called? IPad once again, into garageBand. Take my intro, put my intro in there, and then maybe look through and try and find a little clip that I could put before the intro and then edit that out, cut it, put it there, and then export that. And then go back to the actual Spotify app and then, holy smokes. Just describing this just blows me away, like how much of a process that it, so it's crazy. And unfortunately, I'm not at the point where people are making money from my podcast. And maybe if there's a point down the road where I would be, I'd be much more inclined to be able to put in that effort, put in that time. But right now, at the moment, I'm putting my time and effort into other things that are actually giving me a return on investment. So I would much rather, if I have an idea or if I want to talk about something, I just want to push a button, click, play, and then record it and then just publish it onto it, which is exactly what I'm doing right now, just so I can get the episodes up. And I know they're not of the best quality, unfortunately. But hopefully that will improve once I get the new phone that is going to be coming out. It has a new AI software that is able to remove, but really Spotify should have the ability to be able to do this just automatically because the technology is out there with AI that it can just do it. So hopefully soon it will have functions like that. Now, AI, where can we use AI? We can use AI in anything. AI, if you describe an image, let's say you want a leprechaun riding a unicorn over a rainbow and gold coins falling from the sky. Just however wacky and creative your mind wants to get, you literally can put that in and then you can say, put it in the style of Picasso. Bam. It will put that exact idea into the style of Picasso. Write me a blog paragraph that is in the voice of Joe Rogan, for example. And then, bam. It will write you a paragraph about whatever topic you decide to tell it into the voice of Joe Rogan or whoever, Oprah Winfrey, whatever, whoever you decide. It's absolutely wild. You can take your own voice and you can upload it, train it, and then you can give it a script, and then it will read that script in your voice. It's not 100%, but where we are today is absolutely incredible. You can take a whole bunch of images. There's actually one that I just used. It's amazing. You can take a whole bunch of your images, train the AI, and then it will spit out for you a whole bunch of photos. I think I got 200 photos is what it gave me. 200 photos. Only about 30 of them. Well, actually, only about 30 of them are actually usable out of the box. And then the rest of them, I would have to go in and edit some things about them, or most likely I would just pay somebody else who's professional and then they would actually edit them. Because sometimes the face is weird, the eyes are weird. There's something weird about the images. It's AI, it's doing the best that it can. What else can you do? You can do text to video. You say, I want a video of a backyard barbecue. Everyone's laughing, everyone's having a great time, and some people are eating, some people are drinking beer, some people are hanging out in the pool. And it will create a video of it. And you just describe it. It's absolutely crazy. The video has got a long ways to go, but just that idea for it is just absolutely wild. So there are so many crazy aspects out there. And there's one that I use, the one's called loom. I really like loom. Loom is a screen recording app. And so loom, what it does is it will actually. So as you're recording a screen, so a lot of times I'm dealing with clients, I'm dealing with people, and I need to explain some things in a screen recording video. And so what I'll do is I'll make a quick video, and within that, as I'm just talking throughout the video on my screen, share, what happens is loom will make a summary of that entire video. It'll create a headline for it already. It'll create timestamps for it. It is just crazy what is happening. So another thing is images. Let's see, images within images. What just came out is what's called in painting. So if you generated an image, now you can go in and you can highlight a part of that image and say, put a hat on the man's head. It should be a federo. Is that what you say it? And it should be in the color of black with a feather on the left hand side. And then bam, it will put that in. Photoshop has now a thing where you can highlight a certain area and then you can say, add a bucket, a red bucket with water pouring out of it on this table and it will just put that. And it's absolutely crazy. Canva has some really cool stuff, an AI. If you're using canva, they now have an AI. There's presentations, PowerPoint presentations. You can say, create a PowerPoint presentations about this and bam, it will do. Got, like I said, I used to use AI just for writing. That's what I would use it for all the time. And then one day I was sitting there and I thought to myself, I have all these random things within my cupboard of just, I have chicken wings, I have maple syrup, I have have, and I was just going through these random things that I had in my cupboard. I didn't want to go grocery shopping. So then I went to AI and I said, hey, these are the ingredients that I have at home. With these limited amount of ingredients. What do you think are some good ideas that I could actually make? And it came out with a whole bunch of ideas, ideas I never even thought of. And there was like one, it was like, what, maple syrup crunchy wings or something like that. I'm like, whoa, that sounds awesome. But the idea is that. And then let's say, if it gives you a list, you can say, give me a recipe for maple syrup crispy wings, and then it will spit out a recipe for it. And so that's when I started using the chat feature for more than just writing. There was also a time when I had a piece of code, and this code was for my website. And I took it and I said, can you give me this code so that it is responsive for all device size? Device sizes, like the different sizes of devices, phones, tablets, desktop, like all that. So that the video or the image that it was, it would actually morph to whatever size of device that you would use. Because the code that I had was just one size. Didn't matter if you were on a phone or if you were on a desktop or if you're on a tablet. It was just one size. So I wanted it to make it so that it was responsive to all sizes. And it's like, sure, here it is. Bam. I'm like, holy smokes. And so then what I started to do is I started to get more into it and start using AI as if it was my assistant. Start talking to it like it's a human. And I find that the better that you do this, the better luck you're going to have with what you want. It's when you try to get too fancy and you're saying, how do you describe it? I don't know. An amateur would say, write me a headline for my pepperoni pizza. And it would be like, okay, here is why you want to eat this pepperoni pizza. And it'll just give you, like, a shitty headline. But when you're more advanced and you're more technical, what you will do is you will actually put in like you are a marketing expert for a pizza shop, local pizza shop in New York City. Your specialty is the classic pan pepperoni pizza. Everybody loves the golden crust on it. They talk about how it's so ooey gooey and cheesy, and every bite is filled with deliciousness. And you fill out your prompt, you give it all the information that it has that it needs, and then you say, can you write me a headline for my social media post that would entice people to want to place an order for their own pepperoni pizza for our specialty? And then it will just spit out all of these. Just creating them, it is just absolutely incredible. So this morning, I was changing up one of my web pages, and I had these bullet points on there, and they were okay, but I thought, you know what? I know they can be better. So I come on, and I'm like, yo, Jasper. It's like, yo, what's happening? How can I help you? I'm like, hey, look, I'm looking to make some bullet points for my web page. Can you help me with that? And so he's like, yeah, absolutely. Just give me this information. And he starts asking me these questions about what is my product? Who do I serve? What are their problems? And it starts giving me these questions, and I start answering, here it is. Here's this. It's like, thank you for. Okay, now that I have all the information I need, let's get on with creating your bullet points. And I said, okay, great. Do you know of a copywriter by the name of Ben Settle? And I like his bullet points that he writes because they're very curiosity. They generate so much curiosity. He always adds a page number. They are always just so fun to read, and you really just want to buy the product or get the free book just from his bullet points alone. Can you help me generate bullet points like this? And then the chat, whether you're using chat, GPT or whatever it is, I use Jasper. Jasper comes back and says, I know Ben Saddle and I know his form of copywriting and I can create you bullet points for that. And I'll even ask, is there anything you need more from me before we continue on? And then Jasper might say, well, can you give me the page numbers? And then I'll reply, well, just make up the page numbers and then I will fix them afterwards. Then Jasper says, okay, great, that sounds perfect. Here's your bullet points. And it spits them out. I'm like, holy smokes. And then I can edit them as I please. I can say, don't put this in the bullet points, let's leave that as kind of like a secret. And then he'll give me ten more. Leaving what I said out of it. It is just absolutely incredible. So you don't have to be these marketing experts. You don't have to be like your AI. Your tool is the marketing expert, no matter the topic, whether I want her to know about jeeps or maybe dodge pickup trucks. And I could ask it, what is the best selling dodge pickup truck in 2019 in 2023? And it will spit out some answers for me. It'll give them to me. It's just absolutely incredible. And the thing is, we are in the first year of AI. It is just wild how fast it has come. Well, I guess I've been using Jasper for over a year now, so maybe even close to two years, I can't remember, but it's been a while. So the thing is that you can use AI in so many aspects. And like I said, the way I use it could be completely different to how you use it. And I've used all different kinds of things, and I try to find new, different tools and everything. Like, for example, I don't take a whole lot of selfies. I don't take a whole lot of photos, even when I'm out with people. I more so just enjoy the moment rather than taking photos of myself with people. [00:19:31] Speaker B: And it's just what I've always done. [00:19:33] Speaker A: And so what happens is I don't really have a whole lot of photos, especially professional photos, let's say, for LinkedIn. And that's where Aragon AI came in. Someone had come along and said, hey, you can actually feed this some of your photos. It will learn from it, and then it'll give you some professional headshots for your LinkedIn profile. So because I've been using LinkedIn lately for some business, I decided, hey, let me try. That cost me $30. I got 30 amazing ones that I could use out of the box. And then on top of that, if I wanted to edit the other ones, I could have even more. Absolutely incredible. So the technology is out there, and. [00:20:15] Speaker B: These are just simple aspects of everyday use. [00:20:18] Speaker A: AI has been used for self driving cars. It knows different things. It's absolutely incredible. Let's say if you are a certain personality type. So here's another way that I did it. I used it. So I said, do you know of the 16 personalities or Myers Briggs? I am an INTJ, and so comes back and says, yes, I am aware of the Myers Briggs personality. And it starts describing, it said, great. Are you aware and do you know of the wealth dynamics profile test? I am a mechanic. And then, bam, it spits that out. Tells me, yes, I know exactly what that is. I said, okay, great. I then started to tell it about myself, about my business, about what I like to do, what I don't like to do, what I enjoy doing, the parts where I struggle with all the parts that I'm good at. And then I said, knowing that, knowing all this information about me, knowing all this information about my business, about my personality traits, which is from an INTJ, my mechanic profile, through the wealth dynamics, how do you think, or what role do you believe that I should take within my business that would make me the most successful? And then all of a sudden, it would say, given your personality type and being a mechanic profile and yada, yada. [00:21:51] Speaker B: Yada, yada, this is what you should do. [00:21:54] Speaker A: And then it would give me all. [00:21:55] Speaker B: These tips and pointers and all these things. [00:21:58] Speaker A: I then also took a similar one. And then I asked it if I were to start a business that I wanted to make over $100,000 a year. [00:22:09] Speaker B: What kind of business? Given all my personality traits, what I like to do, and everything that I've. [00:22:13] Speaker A: Given you, what do you think would be a good business for me to start? [00:22:17] Speaker B: And then it would list off a. [00:22:18] Speaker A: Whole bunch of businesses for me. So there are so many aspects within using AI. [00:22:27] Speaker B: These are just like some of the beginning ones. There is some things that I want to do, is I want to create an AI chat bot of myself. And I was talking to a friend about this the other day. I said, this is why I don't have kids. There's some people that you talk to about having kids, and what they'll say is, they'll say, well, why don't you want to have kids? Because if you don't have kids, then your name will die off. And I say, well, no, let's say, for example, I wanted to have my name to live on. Well, you could have kids, but that doesn't mean that your name lives on, because who knows? Maybe your kids turn into little shitheads, and then all of a sudden, that's your name. [00:23:17] Speaker A: Now, from here on out, your name. [00:23:21] Speaker B: Is just being lived out by these little shitheads that are just making a mockery of it. For myself, I would want me and my name to be something. So I want to create. I want to take all of my knowledge, all of my podcasts, all of the things that I've ever written, all of these ideas. I want to feed it into AI, and then I want it to learn from that. And then what I want it to be able to do is create that as an app. It's kind of like an artificial me. So then people can come in, and then they can say, hey, look, I am looking to quit my job. What do you think about that? And then the AI knows how I would think and how I would come about this question and then maybe say, well, tell me more about it. Why do you think that you want to quit your job? Why are you in this situation? And it would be like they were speaking to me but not to me. It would know how I think. It would know the beliefs and everything that I talk about in my podcast. It would know all of these different things, and people would be able to just interact with it and be able to get their questions asked, get advice. They'd be sitting in a spot and say, I'm not feeling very good lately. How do you manage when you are maybe not feeling 100%, maybe when you're not feeling like everything's going your way, what do you do in these types of situations? And then AI would be able to once again know how I think, know what I believe in, know all of those deep inner workings of myself, and then be able to come up with an answer. So eventually, there would be, like, the idea of people who would pay for my time and say, hey, look, I want you to come here, spend the weekend with me so that I can go from zero to 100. And then obviously, that would cost a lot of money, but then there would be other people who wouldn't be able to afford that right away. And then they would say, hey, look, you have a monthly access to my AI chat bot, which has the ability to be able to, and it would just give people an affordable option. So anyways, there's so many ideas, so many things that I want to do with AI, and that is definitely one of them. And that's obviously going to take some time because I got to take all my 100 podcasts, turn them into audio, put them into a chat bot, make sure that chat bot learns, and then go through it, maybe run through some bugs within it, and then create a version of me. But we have that technology and that capability as of today. But the crazy thing is that that technology is only going to get better. So you can only imagine as to if that's where we're at today, where are we going to be at just in a year from now? Where are we going to be at in three years, five years? It's going to be absolutely crazy. So, AI, I would highly suggest, if you haven't touched it, you haven't thought about it. Trust me, in the next few months, three to six months, AI is only going to excel. I recently just purchased a program that cost, what, thousand dollars to learn more about this. But I will be able to turn that over and over again, teaching other people about AI. For example, I had one of my clients hire me, said I need to learn about AI. I will pay for your time, and at $50 an hour, absolutely, I'll sit down with you and teach you everything that I know so far. And then as my knowledge and skills gets more and more, guess what? I can charge more money for that. So no matter what happens in my life, I will always have some sort of skill and knowledge that will be able to take me far. And AI right now, learn it. Learn some sort of skill. You can be afraid of it, absolutely. But you will be let behind, and, I'm sorry, the direction that people are going, the direction that people are having, we have a situation right now where you can be making $32 an hour, and that's still going to barely get you by. So if. Unless you are taking up a skill that can absolutely transform people's lives, then you're going to be left behind. [00:28:02] Speaker A: All right? [00:28:03] Speaker B: So anyways, unplug freedom. Nathan, I'll talk to you later.

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